Destiny’s SEED Journey—Remote Learning, New Routines, & More

When classes were quickly moved remotely, it became clear that the pandemic would have a great impact on schools and students across the nation. At first, this transition presented some challenges for Destiny, but with the help of her parents and educators, she found her way.

“When we initially transitioned to the remote learning model, it was hard. There were a lot of distractions at home and sometimes I found it difficult to focus. Luckily, it’s gotten a lot easier. I know what to expect from my Zoom classes and my family and SEED counselor are always there to provide support.”

Though our scholars are currently continuing to learn from home, we are ensuring that our team, campus, and most importantly our students are ready when it is safe to return. By maintaining a steady routine—much like the one they would be following if they were at school—we can make certain our scholars have a smooth transition back to school.

“SEED is preparing me to go back to school by making sure I stay on a regular schedule. My day begins at 7:30 am and ends at 6:00 pm, which is very similar to my regular school routine. Even though I am home, I have still been following my school schedule—from getting up at 6:00 am to get dressed and eat breakfast, to having study hall from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. I think these steps will make my transition back to campus super easy.”

Destiny is looking forward to returning to campus and to having an opportunity to participate in some of her favorite activities.

I am really interested in joining the debate team. I love talking about real world problems and politics. If we are back on campus this spring, I will consider joining the volleyball team too! Also, one of my favorite activities is D.E.A.R., which stands for “drop everything and read”. For 30 minutes every day, we stop whatever we’re doing to make time for reading. I am currently reading Michelle Obama’s autobiography, Becoming”

SEED was built for students who need—and deserve—a 24-hour learning environment to achieve their full potential. Your gift today will help scholars like Destiny continue to make the most of every minute – while learning remotely. When it is time to return to campus, we are ready and we can’t wait to welcome them home.


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Welcome, Kirk Sykes