Frequently Asked Questions
How much does The SEED School of Maryland cost?
It is free for students to attend SEED MD. SEED MD is a tuition-free (no cost), college-preparatory, public boarding school.
Are students’ prior academic performances a factor in determining eligibility?
No. A students’ prior academic performance is not used to determine eligibility.
I submitted my child’s application. Now what?
Once your child’s application is received, a reminder will be sent via email if additional documentation is needed. Once all documentation has been received, the application will be reviewed for eligibility to our enrollment lottery in May.
Do you have a dress code?
Yes. SEED students have to wear our official school uniform during the academic day. After hours, students are allowed to change into more comfortable attire.
What are the dorms like at SEED MD?
SEED MD had two separate dorms for boys and girls. Each hallway is called a house and is named after a College or University. There are two to three students per room.
Does The SEED School of Maryland offer Special Education Services?
Yes. SEED offers special education services to meet a broad range of needs.
Is transportation provided by SEED for families who do not live near the school?
Yes. SEED is pleased to offer transportation to our students. Because our students reside all over Maryland, SEED has designated sites in several counties. Sites are located no more than 25 miles from each students’ residence.
Will I be allowed to visit my child while he/she is at school?
Yes. We honor our parent partnerships. Parents can shadow students in their classrooms and visit the dormitories for planned parent events. SEED also has an active Parent Teacher Organization which plans and organizes student and family events on campus.
Will my child have an opportunity for college dual enrollment?
Yes. In their senior year of high school, SEED students have an opportunity to take classes for college credit at a local college.
Is SEED a year-long school?
No. SEED follows the traditional school year calendar. We begin in late August and end in early June for summer break. Students also go home for winter recess, spring break, professional development days, and federal holidays.
Interested in enrolling your child at SEED?
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact our Admissions Team today.