Title I and Family Corner
Welcome to the Title I and Family Corner
Title I at The SEED School of Maryland
Title I is a federally funded program that helps schools provide personalized instruction and essential resources to students who need extra academic support. Our goal is to close the achievement gap and provide a high-quality education for all students, regardless of their background.
Our Title I program is dedicated to providing all students with equitable opportunities for academic success. As part of the federal Title I initiative, we strive to offer additional resources, support, and interventions to ensure that every child can reach their full potential.
How We Support Students:
Additional Instructional Support:
Targeted small group and one-on-one interventions.
Engaged Families: Workshops, resources, and communication to empower parents as partners in their child’s learning.
Innovative Programs: Access to cutting-edge technology and learning tools to enhance student success.
The SEED School of Maryland hosts an annual Title I Family Information Meeting every August.
Please click here to view the SY 2024-2025 presentation.
If you would like to participate in more Family and Community Engagement events, please contact Ms. Kyndale Lyles, Family and Community Engagement Coordinator, at 410-843-9477 ext. 297 or klyles@seedschoomd.org. If you like more information about Title I and The SEED School of Maryland, please contact Dr. Marsha Koger, Federal Grants Manager, at mkoger@seedschoolmd.org.
Thank you for partnering with us to improve your students' success.
We look forward to partnering with your family!
Please check this page regularly for updates regarding essential family information.
Here you will find resources to assist you and your student at home and in the classroom.
The Office of Family and Community Engagement is committed to providing high-quality programs and partnerships that will impact each student's academic achievement.
We strive to foster an environment that strengthens family involvement and exemplifies our guiding principles: communication, consistency, and collaboration.
MD Report Card
What is the MD Report Card?
The MD Report Card is the state's accountability system measures school and local education agency performance. It provides information to educators, parents, and the public about each school and paves the way for improvement. Through a strong accountability system, stakeholders gain an understanding of how schools are doing and where support is needed in order for those schools to perform better.
Important Links
Community Resources
Looking for state-wide resources and information?
Click here to view the 2024 - 2025 Title I Family and Community Engagement Policy
Click here to view the Title I Family and Community Engagement Policy.
Family-Student Handbook
Please see our 2024-2025 Saber Family-Student handbook here.
Family-Student Handbook - Spanish
Our 2024-2025 Family-Student handbook in Spanish.
Home-School Compact
Please click here to retrieve more information on the ways in which parents/guardians are able to advocate for and be involved in your children’s academic achievement at The SEED School of Maryland.
Click here to view the 2024 - 2025 Title I Family and Community Engagement Policy
Click here to view the Title I Family and Community Engagement Policy.
Parent’s Right to Know
Please click here to retrieve more information on the ways in which parents/guardians are able to advocate for and be involved in your child's academic achievement at The SEED School of Maryland.
For our school-wide calendar and events click here
For school school-wide information and events click here.
Title I Information and Communicating a Concern
The SEED School of Maryland views our families as partners in their children’s education. We welcome all feedback regarding our Title I school-wide plan.
Homelessness or Housing Concerns (McKinney-Vento Act) - Roof Over Our Heads Program
If your family is experiencing concerns with housing that are impacting your student's access to education, please contact the Homeless Liaison, Dr. Footman, at (410) 843-8477 ext. 246 or lfootman@seedschoolmd.org
Education Assistance for Children and Youth with Unstable Housing (McKinney-Vento) (marylandpublicschools.org)
Parent Teacher Organization
For more information about joining or supporting our PTO please reach out to Mrs. Watson, the President at SabersPTO@SEEDSchoolMD.org
The PowerSchool Parent Portal gives parents access to real-time information regarding their students' attendance and grades.
Food and Nutrition
The SEED School of Maryland (SEED MD) is committed to developing skills related to proper nutrition and wellness. This includes instruction in nutrition, exercise, healthy food choices and components for a healthy lifestyle.
Service Animal Policy
Please review policy here.
Requests for Student School Records:
For any requests regarding student information—including report cards, interim reports, transcripts, attendance records, IEPs, 504 plans, educational portfolios, behavioral reports, or standardized assessments—please contact:
-JoAnn Robinson, Chief of Staff, at 410-843-9477, ext. 221.
U.S. Department of Education OIG Fraud Reporting Hotline Information
The OIG Hotline is available for anyone who knows of or suspects fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, or violations of laws and regulations involving U.S. Department of Education funds or programs. This includes allegations of suspected wrongdoing by Department employees, contractors, grantees, schools and school officials, persons in positions of trust involving Department funds or programs, collection agencies, recipients of student financial assistance, or lending institutions. OIG hotline: https://oig.ed.gov/oighotline
Please click here to use our online payment platform to pay various school fees and payments such as class dues, snacks, etc.