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Run up to Juneteenth
Run up to Juneteenth.
Baltimore's citywide Juneteenth commemorations kicked-off with the Run Up To Juneteenth, an uplifting event promoting the importance of health, wellness and education. Connecting the communities of Baltimore Peninsula and Cherry Hill, the route included the scenic Hanover Street Bridge, and a short loop along the waterfront in Middle Branch Park, before turning around and heading back over the bridge. Start and finish was located at the fun-filled Race Village at Baltimore Peninsula, featuring music, entertainment, all-local food vendors/entrepreneurs and hands-on activities for children. Proceeds from the Run Up to Juneteenth benefit The SEED School of Maryland's College Transition & Success Program; learn more at seedschoolmd.org.
We are always looking for fun and exciting ways to engage with our community and raise awareness of our mission.
Senior Celebration
Each year, we take time to celebrate the current SEED School of Maryland's graduating class and honor the community of supporters that, through their talent and treasure, have supported their journeys along the way. Our guests have the opportunity to meet our scholars while sharing a meal together and learning more about their future goals. A keynote speaker rounds out the evening. Proceeds from the Senior Dinner support SEED Maryland's College Transition and Success Program and External Opportunity Program.
Run-up-To Juneteenth
5K Run/1 Mile Walk
SEED MD staff and students participated in a successful Run Up To Juneteenth on June 11th. This event bridged the communities of Port Covington and Cherry Hill with a run/walk over the Hanover Street Bridge. Proceeds from the event supported the college entrance and completion efforts for SEED students through the College Transition & Success Program.
Ed Reed Thanksgiving Blessings
Every year, we hand out 400+ Thanksgiving meals for each SEED school family as they head home for the weekend. Every SEED student receives a turkey and all the trimmings to make a delicious Thanksgiving meal, compliments of the Football Hall of Fame’s Ed Reed and The Ed Reed Foundation.