Application & Eligibility
How to Apply
Students from throughout Maryland who are about to enter the 6th or the 9th grade may apply.
Enrollment is determined each year through a lottery held in mid-May for all eligible students, with admissions applications due in March. The lottery is designed to ensure that at least two eligible students from each Local Education Agency (LEA) have an opportunity to enroll. This year SEED will serve students from up to 14 different Maryland LEAs.
Applications are accepted in the fall for the following school year. Information about the application process and lottery can be found here.
Visit SEED MD!
Please join us for one of our Admissions Events! You will have an opportunityto meet our Admissions Team, learn about the process and ask questions.
Complete an Admissions Application through our online Admissions Portal. Parents should complete the additional required forms found in your Admissions Parent Portal account. These forms are confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of SEED MD. View the checklist of supporting documents.
For more information on income eligibility, click here.
Eligibility Verification
If your child is eligible, you will receive notification from our Admissions Department in April. Because spaces are limited, applicants are entered in an enrollment lottery. Learn more about the Enrollment Lottery.
You will be notified in May if your child has gained acceptance into SEED MD through our enrollment lottery! Admitted families must attend New Parent Orientation and students must attend Foundations Orientation.
Important Dates and Deadlines
The application deadline is April 1, 2025.
Completed forms and supporting documents should be uploaded directly into the portal. If you do not have access to a scanner, documents may be mailed to:
The SEED School of MD
Office of Admissions
200 Font Hill Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21223
Forms may also be submitted via email at
admissions@seedschoolmd.org AND tpietila@seedschoolmd.org
Admission Open House
We encourage every family interested in applying to SEED MD to spend some time on our sprawling 52-acre campus! We would love to meet you and share SEED MD’s campus and program with your family. During this time, you will hear from faculty and administrators about our curriculum and culture, tour our campus and classrooms, and engage with student ambassadors to learn more about why we love SEED. Students are encouraged to attend with their families.
Admissions Open Houses:
Saturday, October 19th, 2024 (3:00 PM to 6:00 PM)
Sunday, March 30th, 2025 (3:00 PM to 6:00 PM)
Questions? Please contact Admissions via email at
admissions@seedschoolmd.org or by calling 410-843-9482.
Your student is eligible to apply to SEED MD if they meet the below requirements.
Because spaces are limited, applicants are entered in an enrollment lottery. You will be notified in the Spring if your child has been selected to attend. Learn more about the Enrollment Lottery.
For rising 6th graders, you must be:
A Maryland resident;
Entering the 6th grade in the fall of 2024; and
Not older than 12 years and 7 months as of September 1st.
In addition, your family income must be less than 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
For rising 9th graders, you must be:
A Maryland resident;
Entering the 9th grade in the fall of 2024; and
Not older than 15 years and 7 months as of September 1st.
In addition, your family income must be less than 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
Interested in enrolling your child at SEED?
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact our Admissions Team today.