You’re Invited to our 2020 Senior Dinner: Building Futures, Celebrating Opportunities!


Please join us on Friday, May 8th for The SEED School of Maryland’s annual Senior Dinner, to celebrate our sixth graduating class. Don’t miss your opportunity to mingle and dine with our class of 2020 graduates before they head off to college this fall. This year’s event will be co-chaired by longtime SEED supporters Kathryn and Ron Shapiro, and we will honor NFL Hall of Famer and retired Baltimore Raven, Ed Reed.

In the event that we will be unable to physically gather to celebrate The Senior Dinner and SEED Maryland’s Class of 2020, we will be celebrating with an alternative experience. We appreciate your support of this annual event – whether in-person or from the comfort of your home – that provides critical funding for our College and Career Services Program.

For more information please click here or email Katie Byram at


Bridging the Gap Between Achievement and College Success


SEED College Advisors Attend the 75th NACAC National Conference