SEED Scholars are Going Global


“Investment in travel is an investment in yourself.” – Matthew Karsten

According to Rustic Pathways, international travel is a major catalyst in encouraging students to think critically, identify their interests and passions, gain a global perspective, and practice cultural sensitivity.

Gaining exposure to the world at a young age can help to inspire a college major and create a life-long passion. A study by The National Association for Education found that 81 percent of students who traveled abroad in middle or high school went on to pursue a college degree.

At SEED, experiential learning is a core component of our college-prep programming. We offer our students more than 100 experiential learning opportunities each year. In fact, this summer, over 50 SEED scholars traveled to countries such as Brazil, Costa Rica, and Japan to embark on life-changing experiences.

While abroad, our students learn foreign languages, participate in mission-based projects to aid residents, take on new challenges, and build their international networks. These experiences have equipped our scholars with the tools they need to succeed in today’s global economy.

Here’s what some of our scholars had to say about their trips this summer:

“Traveling to London was an amazing experience. My travel mates became such close friends, and made the experience a thousand times better. I still keep in touch with them.”

- Peter Guzman-Navas (SEED ‘20) - British Studies Summer Programme

“I loved visiting London’s Science Museum. I even got to see an abstract model explaining Netwon’s Laws of Motion it was so cool!”

- Deborah Ominiyi (SEED ‘20) - British Studies Summer Programme

 Learn more about External Opportunities at SEED Maryland.


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