Ny'Tierra Hobbs (SEED MD '20) Is Charting a Path to a Career in Cybersecurity


When Ny’Tierra Hobbs (SEED MD ‘20) enrolled as a 6th grader at The SEED School of Maryland, she did not think that SEED would ever truly feel like home. But the bonds she built with her SEED peers and faculty became key early in her SEED journey.

At 13 years old, Ny’Tierra suffered the loss of her mother. “My mom passed away in 2015. I considered leaving SEED, but I didn’t because it felt like my second home. If I went to a different school, I wouldn’t have gotten that same support.”

With guidance and support from her friends, teachers, and dorm counselors, Ny’Tierra was able to focus on her studies and to seek outlets to help manage her grief. “I decided to join the track and field team. Running helps me clear my thoughts and process whatever I may be feeling at the time.” Ny’Tierra ran for the USA Jr Olympic Team last summer, and most recently placed 4th in the Maryland State Championship 55 Meter Dash.

Now, in her senior year, Ny’Tierra has made the most of every opportunity. This dedication led to her being the only SEED student selected to attend the Yleana Leadership Academy last year, hosted by Colgate University in upstate New York. During this residential summer academy, Ny’Tierra learned vital SAT exam skills to boost her SAT score.

Ny’Tierra’s drive is unmatched! She has already been accepted to eleven colleges and universities across the country. Though she has not yet made her final choice, she has developed an interest in cybersecurity that is helping to guide her decision. As  SEED MD recently opened its InfoArmor Cyber Lab, the first cyber lab in the SEED Network, Ny’Tierra’s career options have grown exponentially  “I’m currently taking my first cyber lab course, where we learn basic coding, how to access encrypted information, and the consequences of hacking. It’s really interesting!”  

Ny’Tierra is eager to begin her college career and to join a collegiate track and field team in the fall. She’s particularly interested in Xavier University and McDaniel College, but she’s currently keeping her options open. We’re certain Ny’Tierra will continue to succeed in her college career and beyond.


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