It’s Graduation Season! Reflect and Celebrate the SEED MD Class of 2020 and Recent College Graduates with Us


Every year, SEED students continue to defy the odds, reach their goals, and charter their own paths towards earning a college degree and fulfilling careers. We’re proud to announce that on June 13, 27 seniors graduated from The SEED School of Maryland via a virtual celebration.

The SEED MD community came together to celebrate our graduating students, award over $XX in merit and need based scholarships, and hear passionate addresses from our valedictorian, Mikyle Gregory, and salutatorian, Deborah Omoniyi. Mikyle shared the importance of persisting through all adversity to reach your goals. “Even though a global pandemic happened during my senior year of high school, I remained focused on my education and I encouraged my peers to do the same,” Mikyle said. Deborah spoke about the power of body positivity and confidence as a driving factor in her personal journey to success. “As we take this next step in our lives, don’t lose sight of who you are and never change for anyone,” Deborah said.

Click here to view SEED MD’s virtual graduation.

We’re also celebrating 10 SEED MD alumni who recently graduated from college! Among these graduates is Brandon Julot (SEED MD ’16). This spring, Brandon earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from Goucher College and is looking forward to starting his career.

Our scholars are headed to colleges and universities across the country including Temple University, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Howard University. And our college graduates are taking the leap into the workforce. We couldn’t be prouder of their accomplishments!

Follow SEED MD on social media to see how we celebrated our scholars—and join us!


Ralph Mehitang (SEED MD '16, Salisbury University '20) Credits SEED for Building His Drive for Success


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