Frederick Goodman Helps Set the Tone for Student Life at SEED MD


 “There is great reward in planting a seed and watching it grow in the best conditions.”

As a student life manager at The SEED School of Maryland, Frederick Goodman’s main priority is creating and maintaining a healthy environment within our boarding program, enabling our scholars to achieve academic success. Mr. Goodman was drawn to this role as a first generation high school - and college graduate whose home life was very tumultuous. He credits his middle school educators for seeing something in him, and cultivating his desire to pursue higher education.

In this position, Mr. Goodman has the opportunity to assist SEED scholars affected by the same home-life troubles that he experienced as a youth. He supervises a team of nearly 30 student life counselors (SLC) and assistants who play a direct role in our students’ growth outside of the classroom. For this reason, he provides on-the-job coaching and mentorship to ensure that our student life staff is equipped to support SEED scholars from various backgrounds.

This training is especially important during Back to School season, when our scholars are transitioning back into dorm life at SEED. As students return for the upcoming school year, Mr. Goodman notices how they struggle with readjusting to the SEED model and structure. He believes that cultivating a safe and welcoming environment is crucial for our newly enrolled sixth and ninth-grade students, who are leaving home for the first time and learning to live with strangers. To navigate these challenges, Mr. Goodman works diligently with our SLC’s, reminding them to be compassionate, promote positive energy to their students daily, and commit themselves to the personal and academic success of each SEED scholar.

Though Mr. Goodman is a newer member of the SEED community, he has witnessed first-hand how our academic and boarding models have transformed the lives of so many promising young scholars. He says, “This is home for our students, 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. We provide structure, access to opportunities, and a chance for students to grow into their best selves.”

Learn more about student life at SEED MD.


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